It’s an exciting day for the ZQUAD as it has been announced that Zayn will be releasing his first ever book. Zayn is no stranger to autobiographies as he previously released books with One Direction, but this time – like his music career – Zayn will be flying solo. Instead of a chapter, he’ll be getting a whole book dedicated to himself. Nice.

The book, aptly named ‘Zayn’, will give readers an insight into the life of Mr Malik as he pens his story to share with the world. Now, I don’t know about you, but there are a few things I’d definitely be keen to see in the published piece.
1.Zayn’s art

It’s no secret that Z is multi-talented when it comes to pen and paper, so to see some of his artwork – be it simple doodles or pieces he dedicated a lot of time to – it definitely should be included within the book. Also, lots of fan art, since he seems to be infatuated by it.
2.Studio stories

Every artist has a story to share from their time in the studio and I want to know Zayn’s, as I’m sure you do, too. Was there a moment where he knew a song was going to be a smash hit? Did a song come along unexpectedly? What about collaborations? Tell us, Zayn. Please.
3.Blasts from the past

We had snippets of childhood stories in the 1D book, but with just one person writing this time, I’m sure there are far more stories up his sleeve that Z could share with us. And we all love a bit of fetus Zayn, right?
4.His experience with anxiety

Now, this may be a sensitive subject, so only if he is willing would it be interesting to hear how Zayn has been coping with mental health. He’s recently been more open about dealing with it and as many people are aware, 1 in 4 people suffer with mental health issues, so Zayn could really be an advocate and encourage his audience to be able to open up about their own struggles. At the end of the day, we’re all on his side. I do hope it’s something he would be comfortable with sharing as so many would benefit from hearing from it.
5.Future dreams

We’re all still in love with his debut album, ‘Mind of Mine’, but what’s next for Mr Malik? We also know he’s working on a TV show – will this mean finding a balance between studio time and working as Mr Big Boss Man on ‘Boys’? We wanna know, Z!
Zayn’s book will be released on 1st November and is available for pre-order right now.