Harry Styles’ Guide For Social Media

The embodiment of less is more.


In 2017, during an interview with Tom Green, Harry Styles likened Twitter to a house party. A house party you wouldn’t want to go to. Sure, there are people that are fun and kind, but for every fun and kind person there seems to be three people ready to be not so fun or even harmful.

It can be a tricky balance deciding on how present to be on social media platforms. When does it become an addiction or damaging to your mental health? Harry Styles seems to have a social media policy that he sticks to religiously for his own well-being and because it’s simply not his thing. He doesn’t like saying something just for the sake of it. He also seems like the type to prefer his friendships and communications to be in person which aligns with his more “old school” ways.

I think there are some good lessons to be learned from the “Harry Styles approach” to social media. Not only is he conscious about mental health, he uses his platform to spread love and encourage kindness in the world. In 2019, Harry tweeted 38 times (not including replies). In 9 of those tweets, he told us he loved us and in 8 of them, he thanked us for something. He also had a website created called “Do You Know Who You Are” that once you input your name, you receive an encouraging message along with TPWK (Harry’s slogan of Treat People With Kindness) and “I love you, H.”

Harry’s upcoming tour is also named Love On Tour. The man has made it his mission to spread love and kindness in a world where that is a priceless treasure. In true Harry fashion, he also uses his platform to showcase his hilarious humor. Harry is a great role model in many ways, but his commitment to using social media in a responsible way is inspirational and wise. In honor of Harry’s wisdom, let’s take a look at a few of my favorite tweets from this past year.

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