Best TV show cliffhangers for 2016
The year has come to an end. Almost. But all our TV shows have ended for the year. Being the huge TV geek that I am, I know what makes a fantastic cliffhanger. And trust me, there’s been a fair few shockers this year.
CAUTION: There will be spoilers. Read at your own risk.


Alright, I had to suffer for months to find out who Negan had killed. It was such a brutal cliffhanger. Honestly, they should’ve killed whoever right then and there. But no, we had to wait months to find out. I kind of knew since I read the comics but you never know. I’m still sad over that death. And it was so brutal too. My heart is broken.

I have been dragged through this addictive and annoying show for seven seasons now. But knowing it’s FINALLY coming to an end, which means they have to reveal everything, I am ready. The season 7 mid-season finale had some big game-changing twists. I was really surprised at how much I loved it. I feel like there may actually be a bigger plan that I haven’t quite cracked yet.
‘ARROW’ (S05E09)

In my opinion, one of the best ‘Arrow’ episodes in two years. The only reason why this episode is on my list is because of that ending. Laurel Lance, ladies and gentlemen. I am praying that Oliver isn’t hallucinating because that bitch probably drugged him. I have wanted Laurel back ever since she died. Dear writers, do not screw me over.

This show continues to deliver every season. One of my guilty pleasures. And that cliffhanger at the end of season 4 had me on the floor. Daya, don’t do it. But do it. My emotions are everywhere. The story in season four led up to it’s final moments and boy was it intense. I definitely need more. Come at me 2017.

For thirteen years, this show has made me laugh, cry, die, and left me in pieces. And it’s still going strong. Yes, of course it isn’t the same as it used to be. However, the characters have grown so much. This year’s cliffhanger to end 2016 was so important. The relationship between Meredith and Alex is my favourite. The voicemail Meredith left had me on the verge of tears. And Amelia left Owen. And nobody cares about Jo. But wow, the writing is still so good.
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