Our boy Niall Horan has a new single out this week, and to celebrate he’s been doing a spot of promo. While having a lot of chinwags with radio DJs and journalists, he’s really spilt some tea on his life and the like. We’ve picked out some interesting bits to share with you ICYMI…

On writing ‘Slow Hands’
Speaking to Bizarre Life, Niall told how he wrote the song with the guy who wrote ‘When We Were Young’ by Adele. “It was a random song when it came about. He just started playing [the intro of the song] on the piano and it just sort of went from there and it just felt like it was starting to get sexy, we started playing bass onto it. I was listening to 70s, 80s on the way to the studio that day and had this funk beat in my head and this song took a life of its own really, we just made up a concept of a sexy night out.”
When it comes to who the song is about, Niall said to SiriusXM that “some of the songs are personal and then sometimes you go in [to the studio] with your concepts, personal stories written down and you might go in and start with music and none of your concepts and ideas might fit with what you’re playing musically. Sometimes you don’t get to write all the songs that you wanted to write it terms of ideas, but you know, you get other songs out of that that are not necessarily about you or personal stuff about you, but they’re relatable and you wanna write relatable stuff.”
On the album being ready
Good news, Niall has pretty much finished the album! “I wrote like 70 songs and I’ve whittled it down to about 16 at the minute. The album’s nearly finished, this weekend I’m recording the last two, then it’ll be a case of sitting down, listening to production stuff and sitting with the mixer and finishing it off, then I’m ready to go!”
On touring soon
When asked by Mikey Piff on SiriusXM about touring soon, Niall really liked the idea. “Potentially, when the album comes out do some [club shows] like that just to play with the band because it’s important that we’re tight as a band musically and also I have to learn a new craft, I’m going to have to sing for an hour and a half every night, you know, and if I tour, that’s a lot to learn with different songs and working with pedals with my feet and stuff like that.”
On not signing with Simon Cowell as a solo artist
“Does he hate you now?” Niall was jokingly asked during an interview with The Sun, to which he replied: “No! I hope not anyway – please don’t hate me! We were very close with Simon for years and had a lot of success together. I just felt like I wanted and needed a fresh start. It’s a long time to be at a label I wanted to broaden my horizons and try something new. We both know that and when One Direction come back we’ll still have albums left to do.”
On keeping in touch with One Direction
Even though they may not see each other face-to-face on a regular basis, the 1D lads are still very much in touch via ‘a big email chain’, according to Niall. “Everyone’s trying to listen to each others’ stuff. Louis lives quite near me in LA so I’ll be going round to him when I go out there, playing him some of my stuff,” Niall explains to The Sun. “Hopefully he’s got some stuff to play and same with Harry.”

On whether 1D will ever reunite as a band
Of course, the world and his wife is wondering will One Direction ever get back together and if so, when? Well, Nialler has some good news, but it seems good things comes to those who wait.
“Everyone’s releasing their own projects at the minute, so we’re all pretty much on the same page. When we called the hiatus, we just felt like it was the right time – it was a long time with that intensity with that pressure to keep going, touring, bringing out albums at that pace, we felt like we just wanted to chill and do our own thing. We really don’t want to put a time on it but whenever that time comes, when that phone call comes, whoever it comes from, I’m back anyway.”
On Liam and Cheryl and whether he’s broody
When it came to the announcement of Liam and Cheryl’s relationship, Niall wasn’t too shocked. “I was happy for him. She’s one of the most beautiful women in the country so he did well there as far as I’m concerned. She’s a lovely girl, he’s a lovely guy and now they’ve got a baby and it’s great.” He’s yet to see the baby but as soon as there’s free time, Niall has said he has “presents ready”. What a lucky Bear Payne to have an Uncle Niall.
But with half of 1D being parents now, is Niall feeling broody? “Not right now. I’m 23, I should be out dating and out with mates and enjoying the job that I do.”
On reuniting at Louis’ debut performance
The 1D lads privately reunited back at The X Factor late 2016 after the loss of Louis’ mother.
“First, that’s a tough song to sing, being out there on your own for the first time on a week where something like that happens must have been horrific for him. But it was a no-brainer we were all in [to go and see him.] I was in New York and I heard about it and there was no doubt that was the next thing I was doing. So we all flew home and we didn’t want it to be like the whole publicity thing. We didn’t want that we were in and out to see Louis and be there to support him.”
On his love life
As a single pringle, you’d expect there to be something interesting going on, right?
“I’ve been flat-out busy and kind of went through a stage of not caring about it for a while and I’m going to be busy now for the summer again. So, I don’t really know where I’m going to fit that part in. But if it pops up, it pops up. I’ve got many years ahead for that.”
And guess what? He’s not on a dating app, either.
“Imagine being on Tinder, there’d be uproar! I don’t think the online dating thing is for me. It’s not really my thing. It’s not very practical but I’m more of a bumping into someone in a bar or someone introducing me to someone. I’m also quite shy, you’d be surprised. I’m not very good at talking to them.”
On his friendship with Justin Bieber
Remember when Niall was a fanboy of Justin Bieber and then became mates with him and it was like every fan’s dream ever? Turns out, they’re still friends. “I play a bit of golf with him from time to time, he lives down the road from me in LA. He’s a great guy.”

Don’t you just love interviews with your faves? We’ve definitely learnt a fair bit about life through Niall’s eyes…
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