10 problems only vegetarians will understand
Being a vegetarian is great. I’ve been one my whole life. To be honest, I don’t see it to be anything major. That is, until someone makes it major. This post is dedicated to all my fellow veggies out there who go through these struggles caused by carnivores who just simply don’t understand our way of life.
1. Having to explain the reasons of our choice

Look, fam. I don’t question you about why you’re a meat eater. To be honest, I don’t care. Why is it such a big deal as to why I’ve made these choices?
2. Suddenly people are qualified nutritionists

“You must be lacking in protein!” “Where are you getting your B vitamins from?” Calm down, Doctor Dipshit. I know what I’m doing. I’ve been a vegetarian longer than you have been in medical school.
3. “So do you eat fish?”

Okay, I’m gonna explain this only once. People who only eat fish when it comes to meat are called pescatarians. People who don’t are vegetarians. Got it? Good.
4. “I could never be a vegetarian.”

Do you expect me to be full of rage? Because I don’t care, to be honest.
5. We get made out to be worse than the Jehovah’s Witnesses

There may be one or two preaching veggies out there that try and convert you, but for the majority, we’re just trying to go about our lives. We don’t care if you vow to never be a vegetarian so long as you live. Just let me get on with life without being made out to be some spawn of Satan, please.
6. People seem to always want to try our food

I know sharing is caring, but no. This is my food. Please leave me be.
7. Foreign countries can be difficult when it comes to eating

I hear there’s a lot of foreign countries like this but for example, when I’ve been to France, it’s been very difficult to find vegetarian-friendly food. Or any food without meat. A plate of chips, some plain pasta, any of this will do! Why must you throw meat in every dish?
8.Parties/celebratory events can be difficult

Normally professional events have a vegetarian option. But when it’s homemade (example, Auntie Emma throwing a shindig for someone’s birthday) it can be a bit difficult. Especially when the host forgets your dietary needs. No, it’s fine. I’ll get by on a slice of bread and a glass of water.
9. “I bet I can convert you to being a meat eater.”

This happened to me before. I was in my first job and the fellow newbie was shocked/appalled at my choice of being a vegetarian. For a solid 40 minutes, she was talking about all the delicious meals she gets to eat and how she “guaranteed” I would be a meat eater thanks to her within no time. WHERE IS THE RESPECT, PEOPLE?!
10. People always tend to assume

Sadly, some people think that because you’re a vegetarian, you’re a pretentious fuck. I’m really not, I just wanna get on with my life, same as you, pal.
Hopefully, I’m not the only one feeling these #VeggieProbs. Right?
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