10 of the best Vampire Diaries episodes
The show that pretty much brought back the vampire franchise since ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ ended. ‘The Vampire Diaries’ was definitely a show to be reckoned with. And now, after eight years, it’s coming to an end. It’s always a bittersweet moment when my favourite shows end.
So to celebrate the final episodes of ‘Vampire Diaries’, I’ve selected my personal best/favourite episodes from the show.
[This article may contain spoilers from the entire series. Don’t read if you hate spoilers or haven’t caught up yet, you have been warned.]
1. ‘I’m Thinking of You All the While’ – S06E22

I was blown away with how incredible this finale was. Firstly, it was a goodbye to Elena. And I believe the writer’s handled this exit amazingly. It’s hard losing your main female lead. And the only logical way without killing her off was this. Also, Kai murdering Jo and potentially the twins was a twist I didn’t see coming. I remember being on the edge of my seat the entire time. Well done.
2. ‘The Departed’ – S03E22

So many twists and turns which is why this remains one of my favourite finales of all time. That moment when Alaric dies which makes Damon realise Elena must be dead too as their lives were linked. Ahh, devastating. And Dr. Fell revealing she gave Elena vampire blood to heal her earlier on, oh man. The episode where everything literally changed.
3. ‘The Sun Also Rises’ – S02E21

My favourite thing is seeing a storyline reach its climax, and all this crazy shit happens. That’s why I love this episode so much. Klaus finally begins his ritual to become a hybrid and boy is it action-packed. I never took my eyes off the screen. Another must-watch episode.
4. ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ – S04E14

This may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I personally was floored by this episode. The ending when Katherine makes her return and feeds Jeremy to Silas. Damn, I did NOT see that coming. Maybe I’m dumb but I was totally blind-sighted. Amazing plot twist. I always love a bit of Katherine.
5. ‘500 Years of Solitude’ – S05E11

The 100th episode. Always exciting to watch a TV show reach this milestone. And ‘Vampire Diaries’ made sure it was one to remember. You’ve gotta love Katherine.
6. ‘Hell is Other People’ – S07E10

I really enjoyed getting an insight into Damon’s “hell” while in the phoenix stone. It was a different kind of episode which is why I loved it so much. Throw in the twist at the end and you get an awesome episode.
7. ‘Masquerade’ – S02E07

One thing I LOVED about this episode was Katherine. She brought new life into the show. Ever since her introduction at the end of Season 1, each episode after got better every time. And ‘Masquerade’ was no exception. So many plot twists tying to Elena. I was shook when this first aired.
8. ‘Founder’s Day’ – S01E22

The freshmen season finale seems like so long ago. And it delivered with me on the floor gasping. So many things happened and it all came to a climatic ending. Definite favourite.
9. ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ – S04E07

The episode where Damon and Elena finally gave into their desires. The beginning of Delena. How can you not love this episode?
10. ‘The Reckoning’ – S03E05

What an episode. Klaus steals the show as the most compelling villain thus far. This was just one crazy ride from start to finish. I will never forget it.
Honourable mentions
- ‘You Made a Choice to be Good’ – S08E11 (The plot twist at the end… OH MY GOD)
- ‘Graduation’ – S04E22
- Pretty much episodes 2×01 – 2×11
But what I’m really excited for is the long awaited return of Elena Gilbert. Only 4 episodes are left!
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The best episode is the last episode ofc!!!!!!! I mean, you should post the 8×16