Interview: After Romeo talks ‘Pull Over’ and more
You may remember After Romeo from way back, during their YouTube video uploading days. Since then, there’s been no stopping the lads. From having their single featured on an advert to touring, they’re really taking off. Last month we included them ‘On Our Radar’ with their amazing single ‘Good Things’, and now the boys have a brand new single featuring Silentó. If you haven’t heard the track already, here’s the video for their new single ‘Pull Over’.
We were lucky enough to catch up with Jayk, Drew, Blake and T. C. during their busy schedule for a chat.
For those who haven’t heard of you before can you summarise who After Romeo are and what we should know about you?
We are two sets of friends from Las Vegas and Athens GA, who share similar passions for music and performing so we decided to start a group. Other than that, we have 4 different views on life and the world but it all works for some odd reason.
Your video for ‘Pull Over’ is amazing, the beach gives us vacation envy. Can you tell us a bit about the video shoot?
We had a 3 day shoot in Malibu and then in a sweet house in Westlake Village where a lot of Hollywood stars live. Silento decided to jump in on the song a week before we started shooting so it was a mad rush to get the storyline changed. We also got to drive these amazing Classic Ford Mustangs on Pacific Coast Highway – not a bad way to spend a few days.
How did you get Silentø to feature on the track?
Silento was working at the same recording studio we work out of in Los Angeles, 4 SOUND. He heard our song and literally told our manager he wanted to meet us. Our manager brought him to one of our rehearsals and we just clicked. It happened that fast.

Can we expect any other featured artists or collaborations on your upcoming EP?
We love Panic at the Disco!, Sia, Childish Gambino and obviously there’s a bunch more we’d love to collaborate with but whomever it may be, the style and energy of the song usually dictates who best fits. Typically, there’s not much room on our songs for guests since the 4 of us already have parts to sing or rap.
Are there any current artists you’d love to collaborate with in future?
Aswell as the artists we’ve just mentioned, you can add Drake to the top of the list.
You created an anti-bullying platform called The Bully Proof Tour. Can you tell us some more about that? How can people get involved?
We all were in performing arts classes including choir, dance, musical theater, etc. That path is a challenge for kids sometimes as it may not be the “cool” thing to do. When we formed our group, our former high school asked us to speak to the choir classes on how we’ve grown to being professional artists. But after the initial discussion, a Q&A happened and resulted in us talking about our personal experiences in the arts and how we stayed focused, motivated, and non-affected by the bullying that was attached with going the “artist” route. From there, with the help of our team, the Bully Proof Tour started. We are planning a tour in 2017 to reach over 20 cities in the U.S.
For anyone who thinks you’re ‘just another boyband’, what makes you stand out from all the rest?
We just want to do our thing – make great music, tour and enjoy the ride. We get compared all the time to other groups, but in reality, we’re blessed to be able to do what we do and travel places we never thought possible.
It’s been 4 years since you released your debut single ‘Free Fall’. How much do you think you’ve changed since then?
We’re still the same group of friends that started this thing called After Romeo. We have fans since day 1 and have new fans joining our ARmy everyday. They keep us motivated and inspire us to be real with each other. Change can be good but there’s also something amazing about having the roots and stability from your team, fans, and these other guys in the group to keep pushing and pushing.
Don’t forget to download ‘Pull Over’ feat Silentó on iTunes.
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