Things customers do that only retail workers can understand
Working in retail can be really great. You get to work with the best and meet all different sorts of people. Sounds amazing right? Just don’t forget about the ridiculous things customers can do that make you cry inside.


I don’t know about you, but I find it extremely frustrating when customers place the change on the counter. This would be fine if I wasn’t holding out my hand for said change. Now I have to take a long time picking up all the coins while my queue gets longer. Nice one mate. It’s worse when they acknowledge your hand but still choose to dump it on the counter. I’m offended.

“Hi, how are you today?” Instead of getting a nice, warm response, the customer is talking on their mobile phone. Oh, I’m sorry that I am such an inconvenience to you. Honestly, there’s a self checkout area where no one cares if you’re on the phone. It’s just common courtesy to acknowledge your checkout assistant. I’m not a brick wall.

People of the internet, if you see a register with a “closed” sign on it, please do not proceed to place your purchases on it. The cashier is probably due for a break, going home, or relieving somebody else. If the cashier grants you permission, cool. I know from experience how frustrating it can be. You want to speak up, but you need money cause you’re poor. Literally same.

“I’ve been waiting here for ten minutes.” Actually, you haven’t; it’s only been 45 seconds, and I’m understaffed. I’m sure every retail worker has to deal with this customer. You can already see I’m the only one at the desk serving customers, so please do not have a go at me because you’re too impatient. Also, tapping your card is a no-no. Stop.
Don’t get me wrong, most customers are the best people and they make working in retail so worth it. If working in retail has taught me anything, it’s how to be a good customer.
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