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Review: The Sellout by Paul Beatty

Author: Paul Beatty Title: The Sellout Purchase: Available the UK and the US. Overall rating: 4/5 stars Great for: Fans of hard-hitting literary fiction and diverse reads Themes: Crime, humour, race, culture, politics,…

Review: Gilded Cage by Vic James

Title: Gilded Cage (Dark Gifts #1) Author: Vic James Purchase: Available in the UK on Kindle from December 1st 2016, and in paperback from January 26th 2017. Available in the US in hardcover from February 14th 2017 Great for: …

Review: The Dress by Jane L Rosen

Title: The Dress Author: Jane L Rosen Purchase: Available in the U.K. and the U.S. Overall Rating: 5/5 Great For: Picking up and putting down without losing your place, chick-lit lovers Themes: Romance, humorous relatable…