5 things that always happen when you’ve got a sore throat


I have lost count how many times I’ve had a sore throat this year. Ever since I can remember, I’ve suffered with laryngitis, tonsillitis and various other throat infections. Apparently not enough times to have my tonsils out. I’m not really sure how bad my throat has to be until they actually do something about it. All I do know is that I’m getting sick and tired of being unwell all the damn time.

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It’s not fun. What’s probably worse is when I’ve got a migraine at the same time. Hell! I mean, nobody wants to be unwell, do they? What usually happens to me is that I catch one thing, then get better and end up catching another. It seems to happen much more on the run up to Christmas too. So if you suffer with sore throats as much as I do or just in general, I’m sure these things have happened to you –

Feeling like you’ve swallowed razor blades

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There’s no other way to describe it. Obviously, I’ve never actually swallowed razor blades but you know what I mean. That sharp burning feeling feels like your throat is raw and on fire.

You only want to eat ice cream

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The only thing you can eat is ice cream . I love ice cream but after eating it day in day out, I get quite bored of it. Not only that but it’s not doing my weight any favours

People want to talk to you more

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Don’t get me wrong, I’m a very sociable person. But why is it that when you’ve got a sore throat, people seem to want to talk to you more. Even when you tell them you’ve got a sore throat it doesn’t stop them wanting to engage in a full-blown conversation.

They ask you to repeat everything you say

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You already know I’ve got a sore throat, so at least pay attention to what I’m saying when I say something. It hurts to talk so I could really do without having to repeat myself and go through twice the pain.

You eat an entire bag of throat sweets

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Just to try and numb the pain, you consume an entire bag of throat sweets and smell like antiseptic. Lush !


Can you relate to anything I’ve said? If not, do me a favour – if someone tells you they have a sore throat just bare these in mind. Thanks!

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